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The top non-negotiable car conveniences for modern drivers

By Motor Match • 02/10/2023

Car amenities have always been about safety first, but following closely behind is the almighty need for convenience.

Let’s face it - our cars are basically an extension of ourselves in this hectic modern world, and they need to make our lives as hassle-free as possible.

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or a safety-conscious driver, the following features are designed to enhance your driving experience and ensure you get the most of your time on the road:

And so, the Motor Match team got to asking each other:

“What are the top non-negotiable car conveniences?”

In other words, what convenient features do we all need in your car that you simply couldn’t live without? This is what we found (and no, the cup holder doesn’t count).

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Infotainment systems

In the age of smartphones and smart homes, it only made sense for the ‘smart car’ to be the next in the running. And this is exactly what happened.

Compared to the humble CD player and auxiliary cord, car infotainment systems - powered by the likes of Apple CarPlay and Android Auto - are seamless and ultra-convenient, designed to integrate with our phones to offer intuitive controls for our favourite music, hands-free calling, and navigation tools.

Defined by their user-friendly interfaces, infotainment systems allow drivers to access information quickly and safely while driving. This reduces the distraction factor and allows you to keep your focus on the road, whilst also allowing us to stay connected to a world of entertainment.

And boy did it catch on - the vehicle infotainment market is looking to be worth nearly £32 billion in the next five years! Three cheers to podcast binges on the M6!

Voice control

Voice control - or ‘virtual assistants’ if you really want that inflated sense of superiority - has also transformed the way we interact with our cars.

No more of this “pressing buttons” nonsense whilst driving; voice controlled virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant have seen to that by seamlessly integrating themselves into our cars to allow drivers to keep their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road. With a simple voice command, you can now do all of the following whilst keeping your eyes fixed firmly on the road ahead:

  • Adjusting the temperature
  • Making a phone call
  • Changing radio stations
  • Setting a navigation destination

Voice Control - Alexa
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Keyless entry

The days of fumbling for keys is also quickly becoming a thing of the past thanks to advancement in keyless entry, streamlining the experience with our trusty cars before we even step into them.

Also known as ‘smart entry’ or ‘passive entry’, this has become a standard feature in many newer models whereby a key fob replaces the traditional key and communicates wirelessly with the car when in close proximity.

This means that when you approach your car, all you need to do is touch the door handle and the car’s sensors will detect the fob’s presence and automatically unlock the doors for you. This is an especially handy convenience to have when your hands are full of shopping bags, kids’ lunch boxes, and school bags.

Climate control and heated seats

Never again must we argue over the thermostat setting during long trips thanks to the almighty climate control. Designed to create separate and adjustable climate zones within a car’s interior - one for the driver, front passenger, and rear passengers - each zone can be customised and tinkered to the liking of each occupant.

As well as providing the best temperature for each passenger, climate control can also help improve the air quality inside a car by capturing and filtering dust and pollen - especially helpful for the sneeze-prone folks….

In the same realm, heated seats can make the driving experience that little more tolerable in the colder months. The benefits of heated seats go beyond just comfort, though, they can even help alleviate muscle tension and stiffness in the lower back and hips, something that can be a lifesaver for those on long trips who suffer from chronic pain or back issues.

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What are some of your non-negotiable conveniences?

Advancements in modern technology have transformed modern cars into more than just means of transport; they are now sophisticated companions tailored to cater to our increasingly hectic lifestyles.

Be it the delight of infotainment, the seamlessness of keyless entry, or the cosiness of climate control, these conveniences epitomise the modern driver’s need for efficiency and comfort, enhancing the quality of the driving experience and making each journey more pleasant and productive than ever before. Looking for your next car with all the bells and whistles? Let Motor Match help you find the best one for the right price today.

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